
Showing posts from January, 2024

Romanian woman, 66, gives birth to baby girl

A 66-year-old professor who writes children’s books claims to have become the world’s oldest woman to give birth, and doctors said Monday she and her day-old baby daughter were in good condition in intensive care. Doctors at the Giulesti Maternity Hospital in Bucharest said Adriana Iliescu became pregnant through in vitro fertilization using sperm and egg from anonymous donors. They said she delivered her first child, Eliza Maria, by Caesarean section on Sunday and that a twin sister was stillborn. The child is eating a bit of glucose,” Dr. Mirela Ranga, a hospital spokeswoman, said Monday. “Mrs. Iliescu is still in intensive care, but she is moving around. She is expected to go see her daughter a bit later.” News of the birth at one of the capital’s leading gynecological clinics sparked debate in Romania over the ethics of women beyond the age of fertility having babies. One church official said it was shocking. Mother 'more than happy' Iliescu sat up in her hospital bed Mond

Angry Community Members Burn Prophet to Death for R*ping 12-year-old Girl

A prophet in Bottlebrush informal settlement in Durban, South Africa has met his untimely death in the hands of irate community members who burnt him to death for r*ping a 12 year old girl who had gone to see him for prayers.   It was gathered that the prophet leads a sect of Zimbabwean origin called Johanne Masowe.    Trouble started when he asked the girl to come to his place of residence for daily prayers. It is believed the girl would go to the prayer sessions every day after school. On the fateful day, the girl is said to have gone for prayers late at night after she had finished school late.   The sobbing mother, also from Zimbabwe said, ‘I told her to go and do her prayers with Madzibaba Jonathan like before and she did. Next thing I know, I heard noises coming from that direction and people screaming. I went out to investigate and noticed that someone was burning because he was caught r*ping a minor’.   According to iMzansi news, neighbours say they heard screams coming from i

Suspected Notorious Career Criminal Caught In Gboko, Benue State, After Snatching 250k From A Lady

The incident happened along UNITY BANK PLC Gboko when the victim snatched about #250,000 naira from a POS lady. while investigating, He had items in his possession that he reportedly stole. The Victim was then handed over to the police. The Gboko mayor(TOR-GERI), Mr Alamngee Demegba Takema has further warned that anyone caught extorting money or items from traders and market women in Gboko Markets will face the wrath of the law. The TOR-GERI was reacting to several reports that youth groups bearing daggers harass and extorts the belongings of traders and market women in unacceptable guises of taxation.  Addressing Gboko people in Gboko main market on Tuesday 9th Jan 2024, AMUDEE cautioned that extortion is a criminal offence and anyone caught in the act will be charged to court.  While reiterating the need for the safety of traders and ease of doing Business in Gboko, the TOR-GERI called for harmony to allow Gboko to grow. 

Alfa’ captured having sex with mad woman in Ibadan

A man alleged to be an Alfa was captured having sex with a mad woman in Ibadan. In a video going viral on Facebook, the man is seen approaching the woman in a dirty backyard where she lay on a concrete floor with her head resting on a mat. He then looks around, pulls his trousers, looks around again, and appears to penetrate the woman. The man appeared to be holding his nostrils as he continued to thrust. Observers filming from a nearby house are heard whispering in surprise. “Alfa o,” a woman is heard saying, shock evident in her voice. “Ye, he’s sleeping with her, he’s sleeping with her,” a man is heard saying repeatedly. “Stop speaking loudly,” the woman cautions him as they watch and film the Alfa in the act. The woman expressed shock that the same Alfa who preaches to people can engage in such an act. The man filming is heard calling the name of Jesus repeatedly while exclaiming in shock. “This one is happening live in Ibadan o. Jesus Christ. Ahhhh. A man of God for that matter,”


Masvingo – The notorious Masvingo Photographer is not giving up on his project of exposing couples who like romping in the bush. This time he shocked this woman who temporarily became paralysed when she discovered that their “moment of passion” was being carefully recorded. According to the cameraman, she looked dumbfounded as she squatted legs asunder the “bedroom cooking stick” of a married man who is believed to be a cleaner in the city. The two were busted last Sunday afternoon sexercising bedroom gymnastics in this thicket near Masvingo water tanks close to Wimpy Inn. Because it was raining and muddy, the two could not lie on the ground,so the man made a makeshift mat from tree branches and leaves. He sat on the branches with his trousers dropped to almost knee level and the woman then sat astride him and the fun began, everything in the eye of the cameraman. For a considerable moment they grabbed each other tightly groaning with pleasure of love making while the photographer fil

26 Decade-Defining Events in U.S. History

Dividing history into decades is an arbitrary but sometimes very useful way of trying to understand the arcs and significance of events. Trying to identify any single event as crucial to the understanding of a given decade may be even more arbitrary. It is certainly subjective. Nevertheless, that attempt can at the very least be a catalyst for discussion. What follows is an attempt to identify decade-defining moments in the history of the United States since the country’s inception. 1770s: Declaration of Independence (1776) The centrality of the Declaration of Independence (1776) to the developments of the 1770s is self-evident. From the Boston Tea Party to the “shot heard round the world,” Washington’s crossing of the Delaware River, and the Valley Forge winter, the American Revolution’s pursuit of liberty was made meaningful by the founding document of the great American experiment in democracy. 1780s: Constitution of the United States of America (1787) With the war won, independenc


The term history painting was introduced in the seventeenth century to describe paintings with subject matter drawn from classical history and mythology, and the Bible – in the eighteenth century it was also used to refer to more recent historical subjects The term ‘history painting’ was introduced by the French Royal Academy in the seventeenth century. It was seen as the most important type (or ‘genre’), of painting above portraiture, the depiction of scenes from daily life (called genre painting), landscape and still life painting. (See the glossary page for genres to find out more). Although initially used to describe paintings with subjects drawn from ancient Greek and Roman (classical) history, classical mythology, and the Bible; towards the end of the eighteenth century history painting included modern historical subjects such as the battle scenes painted by artists Benjamin West and John Singleton Copley. The style considered appropriate to use for history painting was classica