
Showing posts from September, 2023

Story Of Mad Couple Married For 22 Years With 3 Children

A man, Olaide Olakiitan Oluwayemisi, has revealed how he was inspired by the love story of a mentally unstable couple who were married for 22 years with 3 children. Read the story in full below; THE MAD COUPLE IN MY VILLAGE  Samade was a graduate of applied physics from Nigerian university, Nsukka before he ran mad. Samade was a fan of every villager for his abilities and talents. Abilities and talents madness could not snatch away from him. His dancing steps and melodious voice cannot be ignored by passersby. He sings and dances without musical instruments yet those who listened and watched him wished he was not mad for the ecstasy he gave to them. His love life and marriage to Cynthia, another mad woman in the village was an envy of many couples. Samade and Cynthia had lived together in a self built self-contained under the popular bridge at Orile junction for 22 years. There were several times the villagers saw them quarreling but no one knew how they settled their differences. Unf

Woman Allows Madman Have S#x With Her In Public (VIDEO) - Romance - Nairaland

A video has hit online and fast going viral about a madman who was seen sleeping a lady in public and the lady was very comfortable with it. The report says that the woman was being challenged to have an affair with the madman for a huge sum of the money and she did not hesitate at all. From the video, you could see that the madman was comfortably pushing it inside whiles the woman was smiling to it. Mad oo She even looks more crazy than the mad man sef make she sha no add Stds join the gentle man problem She enjoy the Sex more than the madman that is doing it. The woman was telling the madman that he should put more effort, that he should make it harder harder in the public 

Man Filmed Having Sex With A Mad Woman Broad Daylight In Akwa Ibom (VIDEO) - Romance - Nairaland

A randy man was filmed having s£x with a mad woman publicly at Ibom Plaza, Akwa Ibom. The Man was spotted on top of the woman and he was filmed penetrating while the lady lies down as shocked passers-by looked on. During the X-rat£d clip the man was captured switching positions and he also took some water to gain more strength in the process. It’s unclear if the man is also mentally unstable but it was reported that the lady in question is mentally unstable and some social media user also claimed both of them are ‘Mad Couple’. Another deluded fellow. One impoverished babalawo must have told him that this is the only way to access his hidden treasures. His imaginary billions starched somewhere underworld. How can people be so dumb? The person promising to catapult you into a realm of wealth is living in a mud closet and feeding from the little fowl or tubers of yam offered for sacrifice. A cun man who noticed that things are hard and this is definitely a sure bet to eating three times

Bygone Vermont: 19th century serial killer hid in Burlington

[T]he most nightmarish figure ever to cast a shadow over Vermont was H.H. Holmes. Or at least, considering his countless vicious crimes, one would hope so. Holmes is often called America’s first serial killer. During his own time, the 1890s, people used a newly minted word to describe him: psychopath. Americans had been shocked in 1888 to read reports of Jack the Ripper, the unknown serial killer who butchered at least five women in London. People comforted themselves by believing that such a thing could never happen in the United States. Just a few years later, however, Americans would read about the far-more heinous crime spree committed by one of their countrymen. H.H. Holmes began life as Herman Webster Mudgett in Gilmanton, New Hampshire. Later, when people were dissecting his childhood to get at the root of his evil, townspeople remembered that he had been raised in a severely strict household. His parents, ardent Methodists, regularly beat him and locked him in the attic with n

Scientists investigate mysterious case of orca that swallowed 7 sea otters whole

Scientists in Russia discovered seven perfectly intact sea otters in the belly of a beached orca, according to a new study. The doomed killer whale was found far from its normal hunting grounds, raising the question of what it was doing there. The female orca (Orcinus orca) was found in 2020 on the coastline of one of the Commander Islands, which lie offshore the Russian Far East in the Bering Sea. Scientists performed a necropsy on the animal and discovered not only the seven dead sea otters (Enhydra lutris), which collectively weighed 258 pounds (117 kilograms), but also 256 cephalopod beak parts.  One sea otter was lodged between the oral cavity and the esophagus, which may have led to the whale's demise, the researchers wrote in the study, which was published Sept. 28 in the journal Aquatic Mammals.  Several things about the killer whale have puzzled the researchers. "It is very unusual because orcas don't normally eat sea otters," study co-author Olga Filatova,

Mom Left Her Baby Alone In Her Bed Room, Then She Heard Her Husband’s Screams

Carrie and Larry Volmer from Fort Worth, Texas, put their 17-month-old daughter to bed like it was any other night. She’d cried a little bit, but as usual, after a couple of minutes, she was asleep. Unfortunately for this happy family, however, they were about to discover something terrible the next morning that would change their lives forever. The married couple had set up a happy home with their two children, Jackson, three, and Sammy, 17 months. With everything in place, the four of them were leading an idyllic life. Carrie would likely never have believed that something so awful was lying in store for them. It was Larry, Sammy’s father, who made the hellish discovery on the fateful day Larry had to endure something that no parent should ever have to. He walked in to find the princess’s lifeless body in her crib. The desperation and screeching panic in my husband’s voice the next morning as he went to retrieve her from upstairs is something I’ll never forget, Carrie subsequently w

9-year-old girl was brought to hospital pregnant, ‘doctors screamed and were left stunned when DNA test results revealed who the father is’!

As parents, you are the most important and trusted people to teach your daughters how to be safe in the world. Safety of the girl child goes beyond just protecting our daughters against worldly harm. Their health, mind and body, is also a crucial part of a well-rounded upbringing. But, unfortunately, this was not the case with the parents of this 9-year-old girl who arrived pregnant at the local hospital. Local authorities said that in the case of the 9-year-old girl who fell pregnant, DNA test results confirmed that the minor’s 13-year-old cousin is the father of her child. According to the police, paternity DNA test results have established that the victim’s 13-year-old cousin is the one who impregnated the 9-year-old girl. This was confirmed by national police spokesperson. In an update released on Saturday, authorities in Zimbabwe released the following statement The Republic Police confirms that the Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) results obtained from the National University of Scie

The Most Notorious Serial Killers in History

Although the term “serial killer” has only been around since the early 1970s, there have been serial killers documented back for hundreds of years. A serial homicide occurs in a number of separate events, which makes it different, both legally and psychologically, from mass murder. According to Psychology Today: “Serial killing involves multiple incidents of homicide—committed in separate events and crime scenes—where the perpetrator experiences an emotional cooling off period between murders. During the emotional cooling off period (which can last weeks, months, or even years) the killer returns to his/her seemingly normal life.” Let’s look at some of the most notorious serial killers throughout the centuries­–keep in mind that this is not a comprehensive list, because there’s just no way to document every single case of serial murder throughout history. Born in 1560 in Hungary, Countess Elizabeth Bathory has been called “the most prolific female murderer” in history by the Guinness

FBI: Inmate is most prolific serial killer in US history

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — The inmate who claims to have killed more than 90 women across the country is now considered to be the most prolific serial killer in U.S. history, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said. Samuel Little, who has been behind bars since 2012, told investigators last year that he was responsible for about 90 killings nationwide between 1970 and 2005. In a news release on Sunday, the FBI announced that federal crime analysts believe all of his confessions are credible, and officials have been able to verify 50 confessions so far. Investigators also provided new information and details about five cases in Florida, Arkansas, Kentucky, Nevada and Louisiana. The 79-year-old Little is serving multiple life sentences in California. He says he strangled his 93 victims, nearly all of them women. Some of his victims were on the margins of society. Many were originally deemed overdoses, or attributed to accidental or undetermined causes. Some bodies were neve

Torture Methods From History That Will Make You Wince

Think some of the deaths in 'Game of Thrones' are bad? Turns out there's no need for a fictional land of dragons and red witches for things to get gnarly -- our own history has plenty of gruesome torture to go round. Take the tub, for example. (Disclaimer: do NOT read on if you are a queasy person.) The Tub A particularly drawn-out and horrible way to die, 'the tub' saw someone being placed into a tub with only their head and neck emerging. The executioner would then paint their face with milk and honey to attract flies. Then, as if that wasn't enough, the person in the tub would be fed regularly until they ended up swimming in their own excrement. Death would come by way of the maggots and worms that would eat their body alive. Death by rats If you think the tub sounds bad, we're not even onto rat torture yet. Used in medieval times, rat torture involved strapping a cage full of -- you guessed it, rats -- to the side of a victim's body. The executioner


Romans, like the Greeks, used torture during interrogations. Until the second century CE, torture was used only on slaves (with a few exceptions). After this period, torture also concerned the lower social strata. The slave’s testimony was considered true under Roman law only during torture. It was thought that they could not be trusted and that they had to be intentionally “tried”. It is worth noting that, according to many scholars, torture was an ancient issue for ancient civilizations and was officially included in the legal system of states. Torture was considered necessary to stop bad and unacceptable social behaviour. CRUCIFIXION Crucifixion was a form of death penalty used in ancient times, including by Persians, Romans, Phoenicians and Carthaginians, as a form of shameful execution on slaves, rebels and other non-full citizens. Only a low-level citizen (humiliores) could be sentenced to such death – in the event of a serious crime, e.g. betrayal of his own country. The convic

Medieval Torture

In the middle ages torture was used to extract information, force confessions, punish suspects, frighten opponents, and satisfy personal hatred. Historically, ancient Greeks and Romans used torture for interrogation. Until the second century AD, torture was used only on slaves.. A slave's testimony was admissible only if extracted by torture. The word 'torture' comes from the French  torture , originating in the Late Latin  tortura  and ultimately deriving the past participle of  torquere  meaning 'to twist'. Many characteristically Christian tortures rely on a twisting of the limbs, twisting ligatures, or turning screw mechanisms as the Church discouraged the shedding of blood. The Norman French who came to England with William the Conqueror used torture to extract treasure from the Anglo-Saxons in their new kingdom. During the Anarchy, the Norman supporters of both of the claimants to the throne practiced torture to extract gold and silver from the peasantry.

Tormenta De Toca' Was Like Proto-Waterboarding

A torture method known as strappado or garrucha put victims in "terrible distress and agonizing pain," according to James Maxwell Anderson's Daily Life During the Spanish Inquisition, often dislocating their shoulders or maiming victims permanently. It worked like this: The victim's hands were tied behind their back and a long cord was wrapped around their wrists.That cord was then used to slowly hoist the victim into the air via a pulley. (An account from 1620 says the "elevating movement should be slow, for if it is rapid the pain is not lasting.") Weights were sometimes attached to the victim's feet to increase the suffering. If necessary, the victim was sometimes let loose to fall to the ground, causing the cord to "cut the flesh to the bone." Perhaps the most widely used torture method during the Spanish Inquisition was the trusty rack (potro), a horrible, ladder-like device used to literally pull your bones apart. Descriptions of the dev

What is Bastinado Torture Method

Bastinado, also known as falaka or foot whipping, is a type of torture method that involves the beating or striking of the soles of a person's feet with a stick or a whip. The name "bastinado" is derived from the Spanish word "bastón," which means "cane" or "stick." This method has been used historically in various cultures as a form of punishment, coercion, or interrogation. During the bastinado torture, the victim is typically restrained, lying on their back with their feet elevated. The torturer then strikes the soles of the feet repeatedly with a stick, cane, or whip. This can cause extreme pain, swelling, bruising, and even permanent damage to the feet. In some cases, the torturer may also pour salt or other substances on the feet to intensify the pain. The bastinado torture method is widely considered to be cruel, inhumane, and a violation of human rights. It has been condemned by various international organizations, including the Un

American torture For 400 years, Americans have argued that their violence is justified while the violence of others constitutes barbarism

Torture was a traditional tool of statecraft when Europeans began the conquest of North America during the 17th century. Its legitimacy as an appropriate means to punish treason, heresy and other grave offences was secure across the European continent. When Europeans confronted the native peoples along the eastern seaboard of North America, they encountered unfamiliar traditions of torture. Native American Indians likewise struggled to understand the logic and conventions of the violence perpetrated by Europeans. American Indians and Europeans taught each other about themselves through, among other things, these acts of violence, which became a means of communication accompanying the European conquest of North America. Torture became a form of cultural exchange. In September 1637, a debate took place in present-day Quebec between a Jesuit missionary and Huron warriors. Their respective traditions of violence was a recurring focus. The Huron, who were then engaged in a bitter struggle

Top 10 Medieval Torture Methods

They may not have figured out how plumbing works, but Medieval Europeans sure knew how to inflict pain. Join as we count down our picks for the top 10 medieval torture methods. For this list, we're considering methods used in Western Medieval torture during the 5th-15th centuries, but may have been developed earlier in history. We included methods that were both non-lethal and lethal. And beware: this top 10 is not for the faint of heart. Special thanks to our users moondok80, jwiking62, Angel Rojas, Maeve Kilcarr and Mario Conte for submitting the idea on our Suggestions Page at WatchMojo.comsuggest Top 10 Medieval Torture Methods They may not have figured out how plumbing works, but Medieval Europeans sure knew how to inflict pain. Welcome to, and today we’re counting down our picks for the top 10 medieval torture methods. For this list, we’re considering methods used in Western Medieval torture during the 5th-15th centuries, but ma

Brutal History : 5 Craziest Torture Methods of All-Time

Humans have long came up with methods of punishing criminals, villains, or anyone who’s unlucky enough to mess with the wrong people, at the wrong place and time. Hanging, burning, stoning, caning, those are among the popular ones, the ones we are all familiar with. But what about the ones that are just plain mad and cruel, the craziest ones? These are torture method that causes not only physical pain, but is psychologically destructive, leaves deep mental scar if not crippled for the rest of their lives or worse, death. 5. Ling Chi - Death by 1000 cuts    Also known as “Slow slicing” or “Death by 1000 cuts”. The convict was tied to a post and small slices are carefully made, ensuring that vital organs and arteries are not cut. Then, bits of skin and limbs were removed one at a time, slowly to ensure that they suffer through the process. Some records state that salt is poured on the wounds to make it worse for the convict. Used in China from as early as the 10th century and was banned

Medieval torture methods applied to the Knights Templar

It is a well known fact that torture was the prime method of producing evidence during the trials of the Knights Templar in the early 1300s (for more info on this see: The Knights Templar Absolution). Thomas Keightley in his Secret Societies of the Middle Ages provides this perhaps too vivid account of torture methods that the Templars were likely to have undergone prior to their “confessions”: “As our readers fortunately cannot be supposed familiarly acquainted with the mild and gentle modes employed by the brethren of St. Dominic, for eliciting the truth, we will present a slight sketch of some of them, that they may be able to form some idea of the value of rack-extorted testimony. Sometimes the patient was stripped naked, his hands were tied behind his back, heavy weights were fastened to his feet, and the cord which confined his hands passed over a pulley. At a given signal he was hoisted into the air, where he hung suspended by his arms, which were thus drawn out of their natura

10 Medieval Torture Devices

The Brazen Bull was a hollow brass statue crafted to resemble a real bull. Victims we­re placed inside, usually with their tongues cut out first. The door was shut, sealing them in. Fires would then be lit around the bull. As the victim succumbed to the searing heat inside, he would thrash about and scream in agony. The movements and sounds, muted by the bull’s mass, made the apparatus appear alive, the sounds inside like those of a real bull. This effect created additional amusement for the audience, and served the added benefit of distancing them from the brutality of the torture, since they couldn’t directly see the victim.Legend has it that this device was invented by a Greek named Perillus (Perilaus in some sources) for a tyrant named Phalaris of Agrigentum. Expecting a handsome reward for his creativity, Perillus instead became the first person placed inside the Brazen Bull. By some reports, Phalaris himself became an eventual victim of the bull when his subjects grew tired of h

Death by Flaming Shoes and Hundred Cuts: Disturbing Methods in Ancient Chinese Torture

From ankle crushing to slow slicing, ancient Chinese punishments and torture were brutal September 1630 was not a good month for Yuan Chonghuan (袁崇焕). The Ming dynasty (1368 – 1644) general’s military reputation lay ruined after he failed to fight off an invading Jurchen army at  Shanhai Pass  in today’s Hebei province. Next, he was accused of  collaborating with the enemy . Though there was little evidence against him, the Ming state hastily found Yuan guilty and sentenced him to the most brutal of punishments: death by  lingchi  (凌迟), or “slow slicing.” In front of a large crowd at Ganshiqiao in Beijing, an executioner began slowly cutting and slicing Yuan’s body with a knife, removing various body parts while keeping him alive. It took half a day for Yuan to die, after receiving hundreds of cuts. According to  Northern Affairs of the Late Ming  (《明季北略》), written by Ming historian Ji Liuqi (计六奇), local residents collected Yuan’s body parts after he finally stopped breathing—t